Mission Statement: Pawfect Choice aims to help people make informed decisions before adopting or buying a pet - overall reducing the number of pets surrendered and wrongfully euthanized at shelters.
Define the Problem: Animal shelters are overcrowded with animals due to overpopulation and surrender of animals. Due to the lack of space and care - thousands of animals are wrongfully euthanized every year.
After defining the problem and coming up with my mission, I was tasked with creating and branding a company that produced a design solution. I started with some basic logo sketches, trying out a bunch of different ideas.

Name Sketches
After the first round of sketches, the decision of the name Pawfect Choice and feedback from classmates, I further developed my logo designs.

Final Logo
The final logo can be seen below, as well as color swatches and font choices.

My prototype for my design solution is an informative survey. My survey gives people questions they may not have considered when adopting a dog and asks them to answer honestly. The survey reveals whether or not it is a good time to adopt! I also designed a potential subscription box, which would hold all of the information you need to know if you are considering adopting a pet! You can also see a mock up for a potential information box that could be sent out to anyone looking for extra help.

Lastly, I created a website that could be a source for people looking to adopt who had questions about the process. I wanted to create an informative website that held all the information you may need so that it was easy to find for potential pet owners.